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Body Hair Transplant

Body Hair Transplant

Body Hair Transplant services offered in Newport Beach and Glendale, CA

More and more people use body hair transplant procedures to restore hair growth in areas of the body where they have hair loss, like the eyebrows or mustache. Michael Meshkin, MD, and Alister Meshkin, MD, at Meshkin Medical in Newport Beach and Glendale, California, are at the forefront of hair restoration treatments and perform body hair transplants. Call the nearest office or use the online booking feature to schedule your body hair transplant consultation today.

What is a body hair transplant?

A body hair transplant is when you remove hair from one area of the body to improve hair fullness and growth in another area. Many people are turning to body hair transplants to treat various areas of the body where they have hair loss, such as:

  • Beard
  • Eyebrows
  • Eyelashes
  • Chest
  • Mustache 

Meshkin Medical specializes in hair restoration procedures, and its providers have advanced training in body hair transplants. 

Can I use body hair to treat hair thinning on my head?

A body hair transplant that harvests hair from the body to replace hair on the scalp is possible. However, long-term results are uncertain.

Normally, the specialists at Meshkin Medical harvest hair for transplantation from the back of the head. These hair follicles are more resistant to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), the hormone responsible for genetic hair loss, so they provide more permanent results.

How DHT affects body hair growth is uncertain, and there’s a greater risk that transplanted hair from other parts of the body may fall out in the future. 

What happens during a body hair transplant?

Your hair restoration specialist at Meshkin Medical customizes your body hair transplant procedure after completing a history and physical exam. They review the details of your treatment so you know what to expect.

The team may use various techniques when removing hair from the donor site. They may take one or two hair follicles at a time or remove a strip of hair. Your specialist prepares the hair follicles and places them into the desired area, one or two follicles at a time.

You may need two body hair transplant sessions to get your desired results. Because hair grows in stages, your follow-up sessions are several months apart.

What can I expect after a body hair transplant?

You can expect some swelling and redness following a body hair transplant. However, these side effects resolve quickly. Meshkin Medical gives you specific at-home care instructions to support the healing process.

It’s not unusual for the transplanted hair to fall out within two or three weeks after the procedure, but you can expect new hair to grow in its place.

To learn more about body hair transplants, call Meshkin Medical or book an appointment with their experts online today.